Gamer Terbaik di Bumi - Bab 475 - Hadiah Legendaris
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] “Teman-teman, ayo pergi! Mereka akan menjatuhkan beberapa barang bagus!”
“Stabil. Jangan rusak formasinya.”
Setelah pertempuran antara makhluk Transenden dimulai, anggota Luar Biasa tidak hanya berdiri di sana dan menonton. Setelah bom nuklir memusnahkan sebagian besar yaksha, mereka mendekat dari segala arah.
Orang-orang Kota Naga menyerbu pemukiman yaksha, mengendarai kuda perang Luar Biasa, Golden Condors, unicorn, dan Kuda mimpi buruk. Mereka bentrok dengan yaksha yang tersisa yang baru saja kehabisan jangkauan awan jamur.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Boom, boom, boom…
Qin Ming dan Zhang Qing memimpin orang-orang dari Batalyon Iblis. Kekuatan Burung Vermilion melelehkan tanah menjadi magma, yang membentuk meriam dan menembaki yaksha. Ledakan tersebut menciptakan kolam magma di tanah, membakar yaksha tanah yang mencoba mendekati pasukan Kota Naga dari bawah tanah sampai mati.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dipimpin oleh saudara-saudara Ruan, angkatan laut Kota Naga meledakkan gunung untuk membiarkan air masuk. Yaksha darat jatuh ke air sebelum angkatan laut melompat masuk, membantai musuh mereka.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dukung kami docNovel(com)
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
“Bai, setrum mereka!”
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Ji Ye fokus melawan ratu yaksha dan tidak memiliki energi untuk memberikan instruksi yang tepat kepada Great Mighty Heavenly Dragon.
Tapi Pasukan Langit yang dibentuk oleh Kondor Emas dan Batalyon Unicorn yang dipimpin oleh Hua Rong, Yan Qing, Qin Yueyu, dan Hu Sanniang adalah di sana untuk melawan yaksha terbang bersayap perak dari Peringkat Luar Biasa-7 ke atas.
Sebanyak 60 Komandan ambil bagian dalam pertempuran, serta lebih dari seribu tentara pasukan khusus Peringkat Luar Biasa-5 ke atas.
Meskipun lebih dari 1.000 ya ksha selamat dari bom nuklir, mereka tidak punya harapan untuk memenangkan perang ini.
Salah satu pertempuran segera datang sampai akhir.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Li Guang menusuk raja yaksha di antara tulang belikatnya dengan Tombak Salju.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Energi yang membekukan segera mengubah Transenden Komandan yaksha peringkat-1 menjadi patung es.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Kematian seorang pendamping terlihat mempengaruhi ratu yaksha.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Pemotong Jiwa menabrak gelang yang terbuat dari tulang manusia dan bisa mengeluarkan asap hitam hingga membentuk hantu kecil. Tabrakan itu membuatnya menjerit sebelum gelang itu hancur, berubah menjadi pecahan tulang dan asap hitam.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Itu adalah harta ketujuh ratu yaksha yang telah dihancurkan.
Meskipun dia memegang banyak senjata, hanya cermin yang Transenden, dan sisanya tidak menimbulkan banyak ancaman bagi Ji Ye.
Setelah semua, Aura Naga sudah cukup untuk membuatnya kebal terhadap sebagian besar serangan tingkat Luar Biasa.
Hanya beberapa serangan Transenden khusus yang dibuat oleh senjata seperti Trident Api Retribusi atau cermin yang dapat membuatnya nyata kerusakan.
Tapi baik cermin dan ratu yaksha tertutup lapisan es, sehingga ratu yaksha tidak bisa mengaktifkan senjatanya lagi.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Setelah itu, energi pelat logam dengan rune sudah habis. Itu adalah senjata kedelapan dan terakhir yang dimiliki ratu yaksha untuk melindungi dirinya sendiri.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dia akhirnya mulai panik.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Whoosh!
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Pedang Naga Es Seribu Tahun menabrak cermin beku dan menjatuhkannya dari tangannya.
Teman-temannya sudah mati, dan pemukimannya hancur kalah.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Ratu yaksha tahu bahwa jika dia tidak pergi sekarang, dia akan mati di sini. Oleh karena itu, dia meledakkan sisa harta di tangannya, memaksa Ji Ye untuk mundur sepersekian detik.
Dia kemudian meneriakkan sesuatu dengan tergesa-gesa.
Cahaya keemasan muncul darinya, membentuk lebih dari selusin replika, semuanya melarikan diri ke arah yang berbeda.
“Kamu ingin melarikan diri? Bisakah kamu benar-benar?”
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Namun, trik seperti itu tidak berguna pada Ji Ye, yang memiliki Mata Naga Sejati.
Terlebih lagi, Naga Kota tidak akan pernah membiarkan yaksha Transenden melarikan diri.
Membiarkannya pergi hanya akan membawa mereka pada masalah tanpa akhir di masa depan.
“Aum! ”
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Pemotong Jiwa di tangan kiri Ji Ye meraung lagi, dan lebih dari selusin rantai terbang keluar.
Mereka membentuk jaring dan memblokir jalan salah satu ratu yaksha yang melarikan diri.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Keputusasaan memenuhi matanya saat rantai memasuki tubuhnya.[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Beberapa detik kemudian, jiwa dengan penampilan ratu yaksha berjuang keras saat diseret keluar. tubuhnya.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Setelah itu, Naga Taichi mulai mendekat, berpusat di sekitar jiwa ratu yaksha. Cahaya keemasan yang mewakili Energi Bawaan kemudian menyala.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dia menerima pemberitahuan.
Itu banyak sekali hadiahnya.
Ji Ye terkejut dengan informasi yang diterimanya.
EXP tidak terlalu tinggi, tetapi ada banyak poin Honor.
Dengan nilai tukar antara poin Kehormatan dan Koin Peradaban, poin Kehormatan bernilai 50.000 Koin Peradaban, yang cukup untuk membeli lima benda Transenden di Kota Manusia.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dan ada juga 500 Poin Kehormatan Langka.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Jika Ji Ye mengingatnya dengan benar, dia hanya menerima 100 poin karena membunuh raja yaksha terakhir.
Mereka berdua adalah Quasi-Commander yaksha, jadi mengapa ratu yaksha bernilai begitu banyak hadiah?
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Dan hadiahnya tidak terbatas pada poin EXP dan Honor.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Setelah ratu yaksha meninggal, Ji Ye secara alami mengambil cerminnya.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Seperti yang diharapkan, itu adalah Transenden senjata.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Moonlight in the Water]
[Level: Special (Transcendent)]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Rarity: Perfect (Rare) Offering]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Note: A special offering. There is a possibility that it could summon a Legendary hero of the owner’s civilization in advance.]
[Note: A special offering. There is a possibility that it could summon a Legendary hero of the owner’s civilization in advance.]
Itu adalah peralatan Transenden Langka dengan evaluasi Sempurna!
Dan itu adalah kombinasi dari dua bagian.
Cermin itu sendiri dan permata di pegangannya adalah dua senjata Transenden dengan atribut terpisah.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Water Mirror]
[Rarity: Superior (Rare)]
[Level: Transcendent Rank-1]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Rarity: Superior (Rare)]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Cermin ini tidak t selalu efektif pada lawan Transenden, yang bisa dengan mudah menangkisnya.
Tapi itu bisa dengan mudah membunuh sejumlah besar lawan Biasa dan bahkan Luar Biasa sekaligus, dan mereka bahkan mungkin tidak memilikinya. kesempatan untuk melawan.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Rarity: Superior (Rare)]
[Rarity: Superior (Rare)]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Itulah mengapa ratu yaksha bisa menghindari Transenden Peringkat-2 serangan jiwa naga tanpa goresan.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Karena orang-orang yang tertutup oleh cahaya permata akan terisolasi dari lingkungan mereka.
Keduanya fisik dan serangan energi akan menembus mereka.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Jika ratu yaksha tidak menggunakan sebagian besar kekuatan permata untuk melindungi dirinya dari ledakan nuklir pada awalnya, bahkan Ji Ye mungkin tidak. bisa menjatuhkannya dalam waktu dekat.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Yang terpenting, ketika dua objek Superior ini disatukan, t hei membentuk senjata Sempurna, dan atribut senjata itu menyebutkan bahwa itu mungkin digunakan untuk memanggil pahlawan Legendaris terlebih dahulu.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Meskipun pahlawan Legendaris juga Transenden, ada perbedaan besar antara Legendaris dan yang biasa.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Berdasarkan informasi yang diterima Ji Ye setelah dia membuat kemajuan, persyaratannya sangat ketat.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] [Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Tidak masuk akal bahwa persembahan yang dijatuhkan ratu yaksha bisa memanggil pahlawan Legendaris.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.] Ada juga pertanyaan bagaimana yaksha memperoleh begitu banyak Transenden senjata tanpa penyelesaian Transenden.
[Description: The person covered by the light of the gem would become the “moon in the water”. They couldn’t be touched by most attacks, but they couldn’t affect their surroundings either.]
Ji Ye segera menemukan jawaban atas pertanyaan-pertanyaan itu.
Ratu Yaksha Transenden tidak menjatuhkan Jiwa Peradaban. Sebagai gantinya, dia menjatuhkan Batu Peradaban tingkat Kuasi-Komandan perak.
Selain itu, ada juga “Bola Bakat” perak.