Saya Diam-diam Menikah dengan Orang Besar - Bab 308 - Berikan padanya Tanpa Harus Bekerja untuk Itu
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- Bab 308 - Berikan padanya Tanpa Harus Bekerja untuk Itu
“Ketua Mo, apakah Anda mengacu pada vila keluarga Qiao?”
Wei Zheng dengan sopan berkata, “Sudah hampir beres. Saya sudah meminta seseorang untuk bernegosiasi dengan keluarga Qiao. Nilainya bagus, tapi Qiaos sepertinya tidak mau menjualnya.
“Kata mereka itu rumah dan properti mereka, dan Feng Shui di sana bagus untuk mereka. Mereka tidak mau menjualnya berapa pun harganya.
“Ketua Mo menyebutkan bahwa jika normal prosedur tidak berfungsi, saya bisa menggunakan cara lain. Jadi, saya membuat masalah untuk Qiao Ruhai. Dia tidak punya pilihan selain menjual rumah untuk menyelesaikan masalah itu.”
“Mm, Anda melakukannya dengan baik. Ingat, apapun itu. Anda harus menyerahkan vila itu ke tangan kami.” Mo Yesi menyipitkan matanya saat mengingat bagaimana keluarga Qiao memperlakukan Qiao Mianmian.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Dia tidak tertarik di vila itu.
Dia bersikeras mendapatkannya hanya karena Qiao Mianmian.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Ada sesuatu yang dia hargai di gedung itu.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Selama dia menghargai dan menginginkannya, dia akan memberikannya kepadanya tanpa dia harus bekerja untuk itu.
Dia melakukan sesuatu yang sangat klise.
Tapi tentu saja, ketika seseorang benar-benar mencintai orang lain, dia akan bersedia memberikan apapun yang dia inginkan.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Dia bahkan bisa memberikan seluruh hatinya.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] “Baiklah, kamu boleh pergi.”
Mo Yesi melambaikan tangannya sekali lagi.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
“Ya, Ketua Mo.”
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Wei Zheng baru saja berbalik ketika dia mendengar Bosnya memanggilnya lagi di.
Dia berbalik menghadapnya sekali lagi. “Ketua Mo, apakah Anda memiliki instruksi lebih lanjut untuk saya?”
Mo Yesi sedang melihat ponselnya telepon dan berpikir keras. “Apa hadiah ucapan selamat yang cocok?”
“Ah?” Wei Zheng sedikit terkejut.
Dia baru mengerti apa yang terjadi setelah beberapa detik.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Dia menebak, dan dengan ragu bertanya, “Ketua Mo, Anda berpikir untuk mendapatkan hadiah untuk Nyonya Muda?”
Hanya Nyonya Muda yang bisa membuat Ketua Mo melakukan begitu banyak upaya untuk sesuatu .
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Dia biasa meminta sekretaris wanita untuk menyelesaikan hadiah apa pun yang harus diberikan kepada orang lain.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Kapan dia pernah repot-repot menanyakan hal ini secara pribadi?
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Mo Yesi “Hm”-ed pelan.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] “Ketua Mo, Anda berpikir untuk memberi selamat kepada Nyonya Muda atas audisinya yang sukses?”
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] “Ya.”
“Kebanyakan wanita ingin bunga atau perhiasan . Tapi tentu saja, yang paling penting adalah Anda memberi Nyonya Muda sesuatu yang dia suka. Itu akan lebih pribadi.”
Mo Yesi mengerutkan alisnya. “Sesuatu yang dia suka?”
“Ya. Mengapa Anda tidak mencoba menyuarakannya?”
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Qiao Mianmian dan Jiang Luoli menghentikan taksi di pintu masuk hotel dan menuju ke restoran berputar. [What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Mo Yesi pernah membawanya ke sana sekali.
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] [What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Dia menerima SMS-nya saat mereka masuk ke dalam taksi.
Mo Yesi:
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]
Qiao Mianmian tersenyum dan langsung menjawab: [It’s the revolving restaurant we went to before. Also, I want to share some good news. I passed the audition! I’m on the way there with Luo Luo now. I’ll treat you guys to a feast today!]
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Mo Yesi: [Jiang Luoli is with you?]
[What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.] Qiao Mianmian sepertinya mendeteksi beberapa ketidakbahagiaan dalam teksnya.
Dia bisa menebak mengapa dan sedikit geli. Dia menjawab: [What’s with that tone, Luo Luo is not an outsider. Moreover, I owe this audition opportunity to her. I really need to thank her the most.]