Transmigrasi Global: Menerima Bakat Seperti Tuhan! - Bab 10
Pada saat yang sama, pohon roh Henokh juga menyelesaikan transformasinya untuk kedua kalinya!
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Stage: High-class Spirit Tree]
1 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)][Sun Harvest: 460/day (4.6 100)]
[Aura: 400/day (2.0 100)][Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Currently additional fruit trees available to plant: 1/4][Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Current products: energy fruit, psionic fruit, Fruit of Life, unknown (under the combined blessing of three SSS class talents, there is a chance of giving birth to mysterious fruits)]
[Production cycle: 3 Days (already increased by 100 times)]
2 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)][Next Stage: Special Grade Spirit Tree (completed evolution with 18,800 growth points)]
[Next Stage: Special Grade Spirit Tree (completed evolution with 18,800 growth points)][Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Kali ini, ada perubahan besar di Pohon Ilahi.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Tidak hanya atribut Pohon Ilahi yang meningkat.
Tetapi juga dua slot pohon buah tambahan ditambahkan.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Yang paling diperhatikan Henokh,[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Apakah itu di kolom keluaran Pohon Ilahi, ada tanda yang tidak diketahui.
4 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Ini juga menunjukkan bahwa ini buah misterius yang dihasilkan oleh Henokh’ tiga talenta kelas SSS. Adapun buah misterius seperti apa yang akan muncul, masih belum diketahui.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]Tidak ada gunanya menyelidiki lebih lanjut.
Adapun evolusi selanjutnya dari Pohon Ilahi, itu akan memakan waktu yang lama. Evolusi selanjutnya dari Pohon Ilahi akan membutuhkan hampir 20.000 poin pertumbuhan![Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Diperkirakan tidak ada banyak harapan dalam jangka pendek kecuali Henokh dapat menemukan alat untuk mendorong pertumbuhan Pohon Ilahi selama proses penjelajahan Kabut Hitam.
3 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Yang paling penting sekarang adalah, tentu saja, tiga buah baru!
Yang pertama adalah [Intermediate energy fruit]. Itu tidak terlihat jauh berbeda dari buah energi primer dalam pandangan, kecuali warnanya sedikit lebih gelap.
Namun, di bawah persepsi Henokh, dia dapat dengan jelas merasakan bahwa energi yang terkandung dalam buah energi perantara telah meningkat banyak! [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
“Ini… buah energi antara jauh lebih baik daripada buah energi primer.”[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Tatapan Enoch beralih ke pohon buah energi dasar.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Bagaimana kalau… menebangnya?
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Ngomong-ngomong, ada alat berkebun di kabin.
Tapi Henokh dengan cepat menolak ide ini.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Pohon buah energi perantara pasti harus ditanam, tetapi sejauh ini Henokh belum menanamnya. mencicipi buah energi antara.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Jika rasanya tidak sebaik buah energi dasar, pohon buah energi dasar dapat disimpan sebagai bagian dari makanan cadangan.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Selain itu, itu bukan ‘tidak jauh dari pohon buah energi primer berikutnya untuk menghasilkan buah. Itu tidak layak untuk ditebang sekarang.
Jika dia ingin menebangnya, dia akan menunggu buah berikutnya berbuah.
Selanjutnya adalah buah kekuatan petir.
Enoch mengeluarkan buah kuning cerah dan melihatnya.
Permukaan buah kekuatan petir ditutupi dengan simbol petir kecil. Hanya memegangnya di tangannya, dia bisa merasakan sedikit mati rasa.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]“Kelihatannya tidak terlalu enak.”
Enoch melihatnya sebentar dan memberikan evaluasinya. Secara alami, dia juga akan menanam buah kekuatan petir.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Buah kekuatan petir tidak hanya bisa dimakan oleh Divine Tree Master. Hewan peliharaan dari Master Pohon Ilahi juga bisa memakan buah ini dan mendapatkan kemampuan mereka.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Oleh karena itu, Henokh bersiap untuk membuat pasukan hewan peliharaan dengan segala kemampuan!
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Akhirnya, ada Buah Kehidupan — tikus mengamuk.
3 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Ini adalah buah ungu tua, dan satu bisa jelas merasakan aura kehidupan yang terkandung di dalamnya.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Setelah memegangnya di tangannya, sederet notifikasi muncul di mata Henokh.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Do you want to start the incubation? Yes/No]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Do you want to start the incubation? Yes/No] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Fruit of Life — berserk rat (incubation time: 2 hours, already over 100 times enhanced by talent)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Enoch secara alami memilih No.
Buah ini akan digunakan untuk menanam pohon Buah Kehidupan.
5 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Setelah memeriksa ketiga jenis buah, Henokh mulai menanam.
Untuk menghindari overcrowding, Henokh menempatkan jarak 10 meter di antara setiap benih.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Sama seperti pohon buah energi sebelum, sesudah buah ditanam, tidak butuh waktu lama untuk tumbuh dengan kecepatan yang terlihat dengan mata telanjang.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Tiga pohon buah dengan bentuk berbeda muncul.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Additional fruit tree: 4/4]
[Currently planted fruit trees: elementary energy fruit tree 1, intermediate energy fruit tree 1, thunder special ability fruit tree 1, Fruit of Life — berserk rat fruit tree 1]
Pohon buah energi primer
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Output cycle: 2.5 days] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]Pohon buah energi menengah[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Output cycle: 2.5 days]
Pohon Guntur
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Harvest times 1/1]
[Harvest times 1/1]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Pohon buah tikus gila
8 [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Output cycle: 1 day] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Harvest times 1/1]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[The above stats are buffed by a 100-fold increase in talent]
Secara keseluruhan, tidak ada perubahan dalam siklus produksi pohon buah-buahan energi antara dan primer.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Keduanya 2,5 hari.
Namun, pohon buah guntur dan pohon buah tikus mengamuk saja dibutuhkan satu hari untuk memproduksi.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Perbedaannya adalah pohon buah guntur dan pohon buah tikus mengamuk memiliki siklus panen.
“Ini berarti bahwa setelah satu panen, pohon buah tidak akan dapat menghasilkan batch berikutnya. buah.”
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Henokh mengamati sebentar dan menyimpulkan.[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Pertanyaan semacam ini bukan masalah besar bagi Henokh.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Paling-paling, dia hanya bisa meninggalkan buah di gudang dan simpan untuk diamankan.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Lalu, dia bisa menanamnya lagi saat dia membutuhkannya!
Sekarang, sebuah ide muncul di benak Henokh.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Bisa dia membagi pupuk utama yang dia peroleh sebelumnya menjadi dua bagian?[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Dia akan melakukannya segera setelah dia memikirkannya.
Henokh datang ke bawah pohon buah tikus mengamuk.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Pohon buah ini dengan daun ungu tua sangat indah.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] Hanya dengan melihatnya membuat orang merasa santai dan bahagia y.
Henokh membuka kantong pupuk di tangannya dan dengan hati-hati mengocok pupuk biasa ke dalam tanah di dekat akar pohon buah tikus mengamuk.
[Berserk rat fruit tree]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
“Seperti yang diharapkan!”
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Wajah Enoch bersinar. Seperti yang diharapkan, dia bisa membagi pupuk menjadi dua bagian![Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Namun, setelah dibelah menjadi dua bagian, durasi pemberian pupuk juga berkurang setengahnya.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)] [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Namun, ini tidak masalah. Lagi pula, 12 jam sudah cukup untuk pohon buah tikus mengamuk!
Mengikuti hukum, Henokh menuangkan sisa setengah kantong pupuk di bawah pohon buah guntur.
[Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Sekarang, mereka hanya perlu menunggu 12 jam . Mereka mungkin akan memanennya nanti hari ini! [Yield cycle: 12 hours (in the process of fertilizer nourishment, duration: 12 hours)]
Pada saat itu, selama mereka menunggu tikus mengamuk menetas, mereka bisa membentuk pasukan hewan peliharaan dan berbaris ke Kabut Hitam!